Hybrid Autonomous Systems

Manuela Bujorianu Manuela.Bujorianu at manchester.ac.uk
Sa Nov 13 13:09:28 CET 2010

Dear colleague,

            (apologies for the invariable cross-posting that will occur)

We hope that our email will find you well!

We are organizing a workshop, satellite of ETAPS 2011 that promotes  
applications of hybrid discrete/continuous models to autonomous  
systems. We have an excellent set of invited speakers: Howard  
Barringer, Mike Hinchey, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Pieter Mosterman,   
Holger Voos.  The workshop will take place in Saarbrucken on 2nd and  
3rd of April 2011. If you are interested in these topics, please  
bookmark our workshop in your diary!

Moreover, there is a possibility to submit a paper to be included in  
the workshop programme. The selected papers will be published by  
Elsevier in a special issue of Electronic Notes in Computer Science.   
A call for papers, including useful links, is attached below. The  
topics of interest span over large areas, and high profile experts in  
these areas have joint our Programme Committee.

Looking forward to seeing in Saarbrucken,
On behalf of the organizing team,

Manuela Bujorianu


                                                HAS 2011

                                     HYBRID AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS

                                        A satellite event of
                     European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice  
of Software
                                              ETAPS 2011

                                          2-3 April, 2011,
                                        Saarbrucken, Germany

                                         2nd Call for Papers

URL:  http://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/Manuela.Bujorianu/HAS.htm

ETAPS: http://www.etaps.org/workshops



     Manuela Bujorianu,  University of Manchester, UK

     Martin Fränzle,     Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, DE

     Antonios Tsourdos,  Cranfield University, UK



The variety of autonomous systems is increasing both in industry and
academia. Such systems must operate with limited human intervention in a
changing environment and they must be able to compensate for significant
system failure without external intervention. In highly autonomous systems,
the system behavior is normally so complex that it is either impossible or
inappropriate to describe it with conventional mathematical system models.
The complexity of the system model needed in design depends on both the
complexity of the physical system and on how demanding the design
specifications are. The most appropriate models of autonomous systems can
be find in the class are hybrid systems (which study continuous-state
dynamic processes via discrete-state controllers) that interact with their
environment. The symposium will bring together researchers interested in
all aspects of autonomy and adaptivity of hybrid systems.



     Howard Barringer,     University of Manchester, UK

     Mike Hinchey,         Lero-the Irish Software Engineering  
Research Centre,  IE

     Joost-Pieter Katoen,  RWTH Aachen, DE

     Pieter J. Mosterman,  The MathWorks, CA

     Holger Voos,          University of Luxembourg, LU



These include, but are not restricted to:

         Ø      new modelling paradigms for autonomous systems;
         Ø      extending hybrid systems with autonomous behaviours;
         Ø      formal methods for autonomous systems
         Ø      verification and safety certification techniques
         Ø      modelling, analysis and control of hybrid systems,
         Ø      uncertainty and stochastic modelling;
         Ø      multi-agent systems;
         Ø      algebraic and categorical methods
         Ø      reports on practical experiments


All submitted papers will undergo a thorough review process; each paper
will be refereed by at least three experts in the field based on
relevance, originality, significance, quality and clarity.

Submissions should:

- contain original contributions that have not been published or
    submitted to other conferences/journals in parallel with this event;

- clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work,
   the results achieved, and the relation to other works;

- be in PS or PDF and formatted according to ENTCS Instructions
   for authors: http://www.entcs.org/prelim.html;

- be in English and in a form that can be immediately included in the
   proceedings  without major revision;

- be with a maximum length of 16 pages

- be attached (if necessary) by an Appendix that contains proofs,
   figures, tables etc.

- be sent electronically (as a PostScript or PDF file) through the
   submissions link to the conference website:

Submission deadline (NEW!):  21st December 2010



Accepted papers will be included in HAS 2011 Proceedings. At least one
of the authors will be required to register and attend the symposium to
present the paper in order to include the paper in the proceedings.
All accepted papers will be published by Elsevier in the
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science journal.



         Jose Luiz  Fiadeiro, University of Leicester, UK
         Michael Fisher,      University of Liverpool , UK
         Alessandro Giua,     Universita' di Cagliari, IT
         Klaus Havelund,      JPL, NASA, USA
         Michael Hofbaur,     Private University UMIT, AT
         Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen, DE
         Rom Langerak,        University Of Twente, NL
         Corina Pasareanu,    NASA Ames, USA
         Manuel Silva,        GISED, Zaragoza, SP
         Joerg Raisch,        Technische Universitaet Berlin, DE
         Sandeep Shukla,      Virginia Tech, USA
         Olaf Stursberg,      University of Kassel, DE
         Janan Zaytoon,       CReSTIC, Reims, FR


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